When your guests connects with your hotel’s Wi-Fi he is being redirected to a welcome page. The welcome page asks for a few basic information. The user can skip this form or submit his information.
Now the application knows the user and the dates of his stay. The day before his checkout he is prompted to fill in the review. He provides a score for 6 qualities and an optional comment. If your guest does not submit a review, he will receive a reminder email a few days later.
In the meantime, every time your guest is connected to the Wi-Fi is being redirected either to a webpage that you can set or build a page with some banners promoting your offers and services.
The whole process will not block your guest’s access to the internet. If he wants he can skip the process and continue browsing the web.
In the case of great reviews, the guest will receive a reminder email prompting him to post the review to various social media websites.