Become an Affiliate and earn $150 per installation in each venue hotels/restaurants/cafes

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HotelFeedback is a Mikrotik WiFi tool (run via HotSpot) that allows hotels/restaurants/cafes to:

1. Promote offers and events via Wi-Fi and

2. Get feedback from customers real-time


Using HotelFeedback with Mikrotik router a hotel has the opportunity to:

– Create and send questionnaires in order to survey hotel guests and get their feedback

– Create and send promo banners to promote hotel services in-house

– Analyse the reviews and have useful statistics concerning its services


Benefits for Hotel Business:

– Eliminate fake guest reviews or ghost guests

– Create a database list with all guests emails

– Solve any problem that may arise when the guests are still in the hotel

– Increase revenue by real-time promo notifications for hotel services via WiFi

– Increase direct bookings by follow up email campaigns

– Improve the quality of your services

– Increase your audience in social media

– Run your ads via WiFi (the most efficient method)




HotelFeedback was designed to perfectly fit in Mikrotik routers:

HotelFeedback is a Home Page in the Mikrotik hotspot router. When the guest logins in the Mikrotik router then, the mikrotik redirects him to the hotel’s HotelFeedback webpage. In order to activate HotelFeedback in your Mikrotik router you only need to Request a Demo and we will send you the corresponding link for your Mikrotik router. The procedure takes less than ten minutes and then your Mikrotik is not only a router but also a review system. A Mikrotik consumer review system.



For more information please send us an email Dimitris Frossinis, Managing Director +357.99157695


Download our Brochure for HotelsHotelFeedback_Brochure

Download our Brochure for Cafes, Restaurants and other venues: GuestFeedback


We are looking for IT partners to use HotelFeedback and make extra money!!


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